Day 75

So, it was goodbye to the bulldozer a while ago. That, a smooth ground, does not make. Say hello to the Kubota! This little beauty was running around the backyard this weekend to complete the final stages of the grading. It no longer feels like I am walking on the moon, when I let the dog out (and you know they like grass to conduct business..........poor little dog....). A little more work this week and we will be able to smooth out some top soil, and you guessed it! Grass seed :) A lot of the rocks (and there were many!!!) were moved to a new location. They were used to make a beautiful pond. Any cement rubble wall we found left over from the original dig we have buried where we need some retaining walls in place. Very smart and efficient! We also found some rubble from one of the two old septic beds (double yuck). We must make mess before beauty my friends...........................enjoy your pond Christopher :)


  1. Good to see the Snow Blower is ready for action!


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