On a happy note, we are in and working on the house! On a cranky note, I had no idea a contractor week and a real week were two different things....But I won't think of that right now :) Picture one is the former engine room. For a while it served us as a laundry room/kitchen. Prior to that it was a bedroom/laundry room/washroom (don't even ask). As you can see from picture two the opposite side of the room is down to the lathe. This space will end up being the mudroom and powder room. Two separate spaces :) The window that you see in the first shot is where we will enter the house from the north driveway. Very excellent. The third photo is the main (middle) room of the house. The old tiles have been taken down from the ceiling and we will start working on the rest of the ceiling this week. (Oh, anybody want an upright freezer...see photo) ! Lori, that chandelier is for you :) Photo four is.....completely unchanged!!!!.....still cranky. Photo five shows our new porch. What....not to scale?
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