I would like to hope at the end of that plank is the yacht needed to take me away! But alas, it leads to a broken house :( Never mind.....on a happy note that plank was needed to deliver new appliances :) The second photo shows where they will be living when the walls, etc are done. (the kitchen, for those followers not following) In the third photo we can see where I might relax, if only there was heat. We hope to have a great sitting area in the master bedroom, an oasis if you will. Photo four shows one of my new best things to do!! Scrap metal rescue :) Did you know? Were you aware? Mucho money is given to you (I know, sweet nirvana) when you choose to take it to a scrap yard rather than the local dump! Everyone should do this, and they hand you cash :) Lastly, there is a photo of an unhelper, who does NOT like power tools....................a bit of a problem given her life situation..............don't you think ?
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