Swedish for common sense! I have put in a LOT of kitchens in my day, and hands down for value and quality I cannot beat this product. (Rhymes with see ya). It only needs a tweak with trimming and placement to look like you spent tens of thousands. They also use the best hardware for cabinets, but they have a large buying power which keeps the cost down for you, the consumer :) It is a job emptying all those boxes and putting it together but the cost is worth it. (Besides if you have done it enough it is simple, simple). Tomorrows' blog should have some drywall shots of the kitchen, as we finally had our insulation inspection and have the go ahead to continue!! Yeah :) We have been itching to get this kitchen started. It was delivered on Friday in time for the weekend by some very nice Russian gentlemen. Although their English was a little stunted, I was able to discern from the first gentleman, that I was going to need VERY MUCH drywall, and wouldn't it be cheaper to buy new? (Yes to both of those questions!) And as they were leaving the second gentleman, in very basic English, turned to me and smiled............your perfume..............is very nice :)
Stolichnaya, I yelled as they were leaving...............................the only Russian word I know.......
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