The first picture is of us leaving the sunny south :( Do you see the beach I am now missing!! (By the way, that is where they filmed the beach scenes of the vietnam war in Forrest Gump) How inspiring is that scenery?! I have a few more photos of local architecture, great houses. The walkways are often made of a local thing (for those of you not in the know) known as Tabby. True tabby is made of equal parts of lime, water, oyster shells, sand, and ash. It dates from the late 1500's to 1850's. It dries to a hard finish and is very durable. It is extremely prevalent in the older homes down there for exterior walls. That is a great lesson in local resources. Unfortunately for me, there is no massive supply of oyster shells lying around the chateau. :( I will also be sharing a few recipes in my next posting of local flavours of the south. We are after all, designdinerefine..........the possibilities are endless......stayed tuned y'all :)
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