Closets are like diamonds. In the real estate world, that is. And this laundry room is glittering :) We have almost finished dry walling what will be a two door closet! Lots of storage. The entire laundry room should be completely dry walled sometime this week...........God willing. It's a fickle God that does renovations so who knows :( I have been using the older washer and dryer that came with the house since we moved back in. I left my high efficiency ones at the old house (pesky inclusions). But do you know what? I think I like them better! Everything is really clean when it comes out :) ................who knew they were supposed to actually do that! So this is one aspect of the house I am in no hurry to change. I will have pictures of more dry walled spaces next post....................stay tuned :)
Hahaha, those pesky reno-gods...