Day 264

Good design is about flexibility towards the best outcome.  As we sat around on Sunday (yes, cocktail in hand) we reassessed the garage area.  It was always going to be narrower than we would have wanted given the lot perimeters on the north side :(  Two things.  I think the wall on the north side is just too long, with the addition and a garage wall.  In a word, ugly.  Secondly, was it doing anything from a design standpoint to the street side of the house?  Not in a jump up and down way.  Rethinking this area we have come up with what we think is the best solution!  A covered car port that mirrors the front porch will allow the eye to travel through to the house and sideways to the lovely backyards we abut.  Yeah!  This is definitely the way to go, I still have my car out of most of the weather, but not at the expense of the view........................Thank you Sunday relaxation/thinking time...........oh, and my cocktail...... :)


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