February 27, 2018

I had "instagrammed" a photo of an appetizer I had made and a lot of people asked for the recipe! Here it is (and I am completely embarrassed at how easy it is) but delicious for sure :)

Broiled Feta

A slab of feta (choose the size based on the people enjoying)
2 chopped green onions
fresh rosemary and oregano
2 chopped roma tomatoes
salt and pepper to taste (easy on the salt as the feta is salty already.....as you know)
olive oil

Lay the feta on a sheet pan lined with foil. Add the chopped ingredients and the herbs and seasoning. Drizzle with olive oil (a good glug)
Broil until warmed through and smelling delicious.
Serve with crusty bread.

And yes..........thats it.
Enjoy :)


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