Day 232
Creating 101
LOVE this vase! I have been meaning to purchase this for years, and now I have :) A very versatile vase at just over two feet tall (26" actually). Of course the obvious thing to do is to put tall flowers in it. And that works too, but, thinking outside of the box it makes a great umbrella stand at the front door. You can also create a conversation piece with it and fill with something you collect or like. In this case I have put some corks inside and certainly watched it grow over the holidays :( But I digress! I can place this in a corner of the dining room or kitchen and I have a unique piece. ("S" this would look great at the end of your new counter, I was telling you about it before). Readily available at your local big box store (rhymes with see ya) and for under $40, it's just a good thing. Maybe, I will see how long it takes to fill up ................then I can make a raft :) Run out and get one today and send me a picture of how you used it!
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